On the Hippie Trail: Pakistan

Coming in from Afghanistan by the Khyber Pass, passengers were not allowed to leave the bus, as the road traversed the restricted so-called 'Tribal
Area'. That part of Pakistan was (and still is) practically beyond control of the Pakistani authorities.
In Peshawar - the first major town in Pakistan (about 250 thousand inhabitants at that time), where I took this picture - we were free to go.
In the nineteen sixties, Pakistan was still composed of two parts: West
(currently known as Pakistan) and East Pakistan (currently known as
Bangladesh), which gained independence in the nineteen seventies.
By bus from Kabul to Peshawar, via the Khyber Pass. Then a little hitchhiking and a train to Lahore, where a road permit for India had to be obtained. A bus from Lahore to the border and another bus from the border to Ferozepore, the first town in India.
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© Hans Roodenburg (The Netherlands), 2006
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